Corey Times
Corey Times
Back to School Edition
Ready.... Set.... Go!!!
And we’re off to the races with the 2024-2025 school year! Teachers are ready. Leaders are fired up and the building is brimming with excitement.
As we step into this new school year, I’d like to thank you for taking this “Fine Arts & Dual Language” journey with us. This year will be full of curiosity, engagement and passion for growth. Thank you for partnering with us to make Corey Academy a place of empowerment, safety, kindness, and achievement. Here’s to an Olympic school year!
-Mrs. Anthony, Principal
Professional Development
Corey teachers and staff engaged in professional development to ensure we deliver the highest quality instruction that meets the needs of all learners.
At Corey, we prioritize a collaborative and interactive approach to learning through the arts, culture and language.
Arrival Procedures
The first week of school's arrival procedures will be different than the rest of the year.
Wednesday, August 14th - Friday, August 16th
After signing into the front office and receiving a visitor's badge, parents may escort students directly to class. Our school's main doors open at 7:30 a.m., but classrooms are not open until 8:10 a.m.. All students will come to the cafeteria and dismiss to the classrooms at 8:05 a.m. We ask that everyone parks in the lower parking lot (not in front of the school). Handicap parking is available in the front of the building. Additional handicap parking is available on the east side of the building, closest to Kelly Elliott Rd.
Parents may walk their child to class the first three days of school (Wednesday through
Important security procedure: Starting the first day of school, ALL adults must pass through the front office to get their visitor's badge. Therefore, the Kinder/1st grade gate will be closed for the first 3 days of school. This will help the staff ensure ALL adults receive their badge. Please leave it on your shirt until you leave Corey.
The Rest of the School Year
7:30 a.m. School doors open for those who need to drop-off early. All students will be dropped off at the front entrance, proceed to the cafeteria to eat breakfast (if desired) and to wait for their teachers. Students may read quietly, draw, or whisper. Bus riders are dropped off in the bus loading/un-loading zone on the side of the building and then enter cafeteria. Students will remain in the cafeteria until 8:05 a.m. when they will be escorted to their grade level areas.
Drop Off: All students will need to be dropped off in the front of the building (front entrance). Please make sure to drop off students in the designated areas only, and to follow instructions from staff members working the cross-walk.
Visitors: No visitors will be allowed for breakfast. Parents and grandparents will be allowed for lunch. We have many students in the cafeteria before school starts, so we ask for your assistance in making sure that we can manage the quantity of students safely.
8:10 a.m. First bell rings and instruction begins. Students will engage in community and social-emotional learning in class. Please make sure to have students on campus by this time.
8:20 a.m. Tardy bell. Students must be IN CLASS when the 8:20 bell rings. Those who arrive past 8:20 a.m. will need to stop by the office for a tardy pass. The expectation is that students are in their classroom (not entering the building) by 8:20 a.m.
Kinder/First Grade Students: Kinder and First Grade students (only) who are dropped off between 8:10 a.m. and 8:20 a.m. can be dropped off at the gate by the Kinder pod entrance. Before 8:10 a.m., they will be dropped off at the main entrance and proceed to the cafeteria just like older students.
**Safety Tip: When your child gets out of the car, have them stay on the side walk, and walk up to the crosswalk. NO CHILDREN SHOULD PASS BETWEEN VEHICLES.
First Week of School Fast Pass
Student safety is our number one priority. Starting the first day of school, ALL adults in the building must be checked in through the office.
To avoid lengthy wait times, adults can pre-register by taking the following steps:
1. Come by the office during sneak-a-peek and allow us to scan your valid ID into our visitor management system prior to the first day of school.
2. Complete the Google Form below to let us know who is coming:
3. On the first day of school, when you arrive, come to the main doors, stay to the right. There will be a table of pre-printed badges and a staff member will hand you your sticker. This must stay on your person the entire time you are on campus.
Dismissal Procedures
Please watch our dismissal video below:
3:35 p.m. Dismissal bell rings. Students will remain in the building during this process and will be picked up in the front of the school. Please make sure your child's name tag is clearly visible on your windshield. Our staff will input each family's designated number. It really speeds the process up if you have the tag clearly displayed.
All parents are to remain in their vehicles during this process. We do not have "walk-up" pick-up. Do not walk up to the front of the building to pick up your child. Parents have the option of allowing their children to be "walkers" (North Walkers or South Walkers). “North Walkers” exit the building and pass our playground area as they walk north. These students will be escorted by staff members off the school grounds towards Mr. Jim’s Pizza. Parents may pick up once they are off campus. “South Walkers” exit the building and walk towards our school marquee and crosswalk. This is the designated crosswalk (with a crossing-guard) on Kelly Elliott Road. Parents of “South Walkers” will wait at the marquee. Do not block the bus lanes.
Early Pick Ups
Need to pick your child up early from school?
The end of the day can be quite busy as our students prepare to go home, our teachers provide last minute instructions, and our classes move to their designated dismissal areas. We also have a line that begins forming in our drive-way as parents arrive to the campus.
We ask that there are no "Early Pick-ups" after 3:00 p.m. If you need to pick up your child before the regularly scheduled dismissal time, you must arrive in the office prior to 3:00 p.m.
Arlington ISD provides transportation to and from Corey Academy and various transportation hub sites. The following schools have been selected as hub sites this school year: Bebensee, Beckham, Fitzgerald, Foster, Hale, Key, Little, Miller, Morton, Remynse, and Short Elementaries
This chart shows the bus schedule:
Follow the link below to apply for transportation if interested:
Tarrant County Kids (TCK) will continue to provide before and after school care at Corey Academy. Please take a moment to look over the enrollment information if interested.
Food and Nutrition
For lunch, you may choose to provide your child's lunch or purchase a lunch from school. For more information about purchasing school please select the following link.
Breakfast and Lunch Menu:
Need to add money to your child's account?
To apply for Free & Reduced Meals click the link below:
Only parents or grandparents may eat with their child at the visitor’s table. Students may not bring a friend to join.
As students practice routines and procedures the first week of school, we ask that you let them eat lunch with their class. Please consider starting lunch visits the second week of school.
Visitors/ Volunteers
Student safety is our number one priority. All visitors to the campus, without exception, need to ring the doorbell at the front doors to request access into the building. You will need to state your name, name of your child, and the reason for the visit. All visitors need to provide a valid picture identification to be processed through the system and obtain a visitor's pass. This visitor's pass/sticker (or volunteer pass) should be worn in a visible area at all times. Visitors must exit through the office area and turn in their visitor pass/sticker. For safety reasons, we need to know who is in our building at all times.
No visitors will be allowed for breakfast, but will be allowed for lunch. We have many students in the cafeteria before school starts, so we ask for your assistance in making sure that we can manage the quantity of students safely.
Conferences and volunteer opportunities need to be pre-scheduled with the teacher/s or through our Corey Cubs PTA volunteer program. If you haven't done so already, please consider completing an AISD Volunteer Application for this school year.
Upcoming Events
During Sneak-a-Peek, if you have questions about meal accounts, please come to the cafeteria and visit with Mrs. Donna.
Stay Connected
For up to date information, please follow us on these platforms. If you have direct questions about your child's experience, please contact their teachers first and they are happy to assist.
Your child's classroom teachers will post several pictures and send important information out through Class Story and the messaging feature. We also send out school-wide information through School Story.
Click on the icon to direct you to our Facebook page.
Follow us @ Coreyfadl
Click on the icon to direct you to our district web page. There is a calendar of upcoming events that we encourage you to subscribe to.